

tomorrow is the day.. though only a handful of us will be going, we will have a good time, as always. for those who will not be joining, nevermind. there will be other events. there is one change, i.e the time of departure. otherwise, it's the same. so, again here's a reminder of tomorrow's event:

place: bagan villa resort, bagan lalang, sepang
date: 17 - 18 june 2006
time of departure: 1300h (1:00pm) (RV at restoran imthiyyaz sect 18)

to those joining, have fun, and to those NOT joining, be sure not to miss out the fun next time.

p/s: will update pictures next Monday (but no promises)



the BBQ is set.only minor changes have been made after the recce party went to the said venue.

1. the rate is reduced to RM30 per head as oppose to RM50 before
2. the departure time is moved to 1000am from imthiyyaz in Sect 18 on the 17th
3. those with musical instruments (light ones,please!) may bring them along.

otherwise, it's still the same.

for more info, contact those mentioned in the earlier post.

site administrator

Long Awaited...BBQ (and Upd8!)


finally...after so-so long waiting, there WILL be another activity. like usual those who one to participate can do so cause everyone's welcome. but those who cant..then we're sorry. next time maybe.. below are details on d bbq:

place : bagan lalang (ask farex@faizal reza for further details)
date : 17 & 18/06/06
time : 0800H on the 17 till evening on the 18

a fee of RM 50 per head is impose on EVERYONE. please be kind enough to have extra IN CASE it would need more financial attention.

as usual for further details please contact :

rejaie : 019 642 7850 / 016 997 2468 / 012 637 0353
faizal : 019 235 2331/ 012 607 2225

just to pass the time


above are some i-did-it-just-to-fill-the-time punyer desktop wallpapers i designed out of boredom...kalau nak comment..do so...nak amik then save (which i doubt) pun takpe..enjoy...

A Success!!


As u all might have known already, the small gathering that was held at rejaie's house was a success. futhermore, it was a first step in establishing a network of our own..and who knows,in the future, will become an alumni for SMKS 18.

it was agreed that there will be more activities held that will involve our batch. the next would be a 'family day'. it will be sometime in May 2006. the venue and exact date will be announced at a further date.

everyone's cooperation that night was highly appreciated. thank you all.

"Success is planned, never destined"

Tukar Lagi


this is the last time any change would be made for the bbq (hopefully!)

the changes are as follows:

  1. venue : rejaie's house - > 7, jln 7/9, seksyen 7, shah alam
  2. date : 16 DECEMBER 2005
  3. time : 2000h

all the other details is still the same

and lets hope this is the last change!

Houston, We Have a .....


The barbeque is postponed to the next day, 17th december 2005.

this is due to the fact that padang umno sek 18 is unavailable that night.

due to this, those who haven't paid yet can do so by tuesday, 13th december 2005.

for further inquiries, please call those stated in the 1st post.

any discomfort,disAGREE, disAPPROVAL or any other dis is regretted.

"to err is human"

those who have already started


to those of you who have created a web community that is related to this family (SMKS 18), please let it be heard.

post the link on the tag board and let the family grow.

plus, to those who can help us in binding back forgotten ties, please do so.

dont hesitate to contact any of us listed here on this site.

we REALLY appreciate your help.

"only fools sit and watch and do nothing"



to those who happens to drop by this blog, please leave comments, suggestions or just a shout out in the tag board, if you may.

for those interested, there will be a barbeque-dinner as a pre-gathering event. details are as such:

  1. venue : padang UMNO, seksyen 18
  2. date : 16 December 2005
  3. Time : After Maghrib prayers

A fee of RM10 is charged per head.

(Please contact the names below for further inquiries on the event.)

And please come early to help, if possible.

The 2nd thing is that if this gathering a success (the dinner,not the pre-gathering), there might be a high chance of success for an alumni. but it will be HARD WORK. and we must work together. this would be not just an alumni for 1995-1999, but for the whole school, from the very year that it was established.

"Men can dream, Legends achieve it"

P/S: please dont be bothered about the skin especially the 'Rasta' feel of it!

About me

  • I'm crux
  • From shah alam, selangor, Malaysia
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
  • My profile

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