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to those who happens to drop by this blog, please leave comments, suggestions or just a shout out in the tag board, if you may.

for those interested, there will be a barbeque-dinner as a pre-gathering event. details are as such:

  1. venue : padang UMNO, seksyen 18
  2. date : 16 December 2005
  3. Time : After Maghrib prayers

A fee of RM10 is charged per head.

(Please contact the names below for further inquiries on the event.)

And please come early to help, if possible.

The 2nd thing is that if this gathering a success (the dinner,not the pre-gathering), there might be a high chance of success for an alumni. but it will be HARD WORK. and we must work together. this would be not just an alumni for 1995-1999, but for the whole school, from the very year that it was established.

"Men can dream, Legends achieve it"

P/S: please dont be bothered about the skin especially the 'Rasta' feel of it!

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  • From shah alam, selangor, Malaysia
  • Wacky,Loves to Dance,Chocolate,Anime
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